
Practice safe holiday decorating

The holidays are supposed to be a time for joy, but they can quickly turn to tragedy without the right precautions.

Candles and Christmas lights can start fires. Artificial snow sprays can irritate your lungs. A man in California just died hanging Christmas lights when he threw the lights over a live power line.

It’s important to practice safe holiday decorating to make sure your holidays stay merry.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission offers the following tips:

∫ If using a real tree, make sure it’s fresh, because dry trees are extremely flammable. If using an artificial tree, look on the box to make sure it’s flame-resistant.

∫ Check your Christmas lights for broken or cracked sockets, frayed or bare wires, or loose connections.

∫ Plug in no more than three strands of lights per extension cord or outlet.

∫ Keep your candles away from other decorations or paper.

∫ Avoid decorations that look like candy, which might tempt a small child and could be a choking hazard.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission offers more tips at cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/611.pdf.

Stay safe out there, Northeast Michigan, and have a happy holidays.


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