
Be thankful

Even if for nothing more than the air in your lungs and the beating heart in your chest, be grateful this holiday season.

Doing so can improve many aspects of your life — including your health.

According to the American Heart Association, practicing gratitude can improve your sleep, your mood, your immune system, and can decrease the effects of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, from which many of us suffer this time of year.

The Heart Association suggests a few simple steps for getting started with thankfulness:

∫ Count your breaths, which will number some 8 million this year. Be thankful you have air in your lungs.

∫ Take a minute to savor your next meal and appreciate the nourishment it brings your body and the flavor in your mouth.

∫ Think about someone special in your life and be glad for that relationship.

∫ Wake up tomorrow and be grateful for the day ahead. You have another 24 hours to accomplish the things you want to accomplish.

We second the Heart Association’s suggestions and would add for each of you dear readers to give thanks for the wonderful community in which we live, which provides us an abundance of natural beauty, a cornucopia of unique and interesting local businesses and attractions, and a warm, friendly, and generous populace.

So be sure to make Thursday about more than turkey and stuffing.

Get back to the spirit of the holiday and take a moment — a long moment — to give thanks for the blessings in your life.

Doing so will only make that life better.

Happy Thanksgiving, Northeast Michigan. We’re grateful for you.


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