
News accepts guest columns

The Alpena News accepts guest columns of up to 800 words from individuals whose expertise in and/or personal experience with a subject can offer insights beyond the limits of a letter to the editor.

Only subjects affecting Michigan –particularly Northeast Michigan –will be considered.

Preference will be given to columns by individuals working for Michigan-based organizations, especially those in Northeast Michigan and to columns by individuals unaffiliated with any organization but who live in Alpena, Presque Isle, Montmorency or Alcona counties.

Columns are not meant to be promotions or sales pitches.

A photo of the author is requested.

No anonymous essays or those written under a pseudonym will be considered.

The News reserves the right to edit columns for length or clarity, and columns will be published as space allows.

Email columns to Publisher/Editor Justin A. Hinkley at jhinkley@thealpenanews.com.


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