
There is help, you’re not alone

It broke our hearts to read News staff writer Mike Gonzalez’s recent report that suicide is rampant in America.

The U.S. Centers for Disease for Disease Control and Prevention recorded 49,449 suicides in 2022, more than the agency had recorded in any other year.

The number of suicides worked out to a rate of 14.3 suicides per 100,000 Americans, the highest rate since 1941.

Anna Krueger, assistant clinical director and therapist at Unity Counseling in Alpena, told Gonzalez numerous factors have contributed to the rise in suicides, including economic hardship as people struggle to buy what they need amid inflation, a housing shortage contributing to homelessness, and a shortage of mental health professionals, meaning people with mental illness often don’t receive the treatment they need.

To anyone struggling right now, please know you are not alone. Others in this community understand what you’re going through and are willing to be there for you.

If you know someone who is struggling, reach out to them and offer support. Often, the most important thing is for someone who is struggling to know they’re not alone, that someone cares.

Don’t be afraid to ask someone if they’re feeling suicidal. Talking about those feelings an help someone overcome them, and talking about suicide does not increase the likelihood they’ll go through with it.

Anyone struggling or worried about a loved one who is struggling can call or text the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline at 988. Trained professionals will talk to you, offer support, and, if you’d like, help connect you to resources to provide further assistance. More information, including links to resources, is available at 988lifeline.org.

You are not alone. Help is available.

Don’t give up.



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