
Swami in the real world

No two days are alike, even game days. The pregame preparation can go perfectly, and then preparation goes right out the window when the game starts.

How can this be? It’s simple: Suddenly the pressure is on, even if 16-to-18-year-olds are working hard every day, trying to do their best. But sometimes a win just isn’t in the cards and the best you can hope for is to have more good days than bad.

That is all anyone can ask for, now let’s see what type of weekend, Swami will finish with?

ALPENA (1-0) AT MARQUETTE (0-1) — Thursday — 7 p.m. — Talk about your nail biter after Alpena let a 27-3 lead slip away and hung on for dear life in the win over Flint Powers. The aerial attack gave the Wildcats the big lead as quarterback Jake Zann threw three TDs in the first quarter to Easton Srebnik, Joe Sheridan and John Kurowski. The defense also had a hand in containing the Cougars offense with two fumble recoveries.

The second half was a completely different story with the Wildcats giving Powers every opportunity to pull out the win. Eli Chism saved the day with a 38-yard touchdown run that gave the Wildcats enough of a cushion to pull out the win.

A win is a win, Swami says, but the multitude of mistakes cannot continue to happen as the law of averages will catch up with you. Going both ways will wear you down, and the opposing offense has sensed that. If the Wildcats can keep the turnovers to a bare minimum and get rest for key personnel, then they have a shot.

Marquette took its worst pounding in recent years at the hands of Gladstone. Mistakes played a big part in Gladstone’s win. Junior Jacob MacPhee put the only points on the board for Marquette with a short 10-yard touchdown reception from quarterback Jaxon Jurmu, who finished the night with 118 passing yards and four interceptions. Marquette’s defense did play well even in the one-sided loss, Will Gahe and Kyle Sager came up with interceptions.

The All-Knowing-One questions who wants it more. Can the Wildcats produce another quick start and can Alpena play with consistency for four quarters?

Swami Sez: Alpena 18, Marquette 14.

ROGERS CITY (1-0) AT POSEN (1-0) — Friday — 7 p.m. — It may be very early for a pivotal game, but that is what it is for both Rogers City and Posen: Bragging rights in the rivalry matchup and a step up in the conference standings.

The Vikings came out of the chute quickly, amassing all the points they would need to nail down the win over Pellston. The Hornets had no answer for quarterback Jack Romel scoring five touchdowns and 240 yards. Romel scooted for touchdown runs of 25, 20 and 27 yards, before Pellston could come up with a stop in the first 12 minutes.

Posen’s defense was solid too with Logan Timm contributing 12 solo tackles. John Ennest, Owinn Comerford and Eli Chojnacki contributed heavily as well.

Swami says the Vikings will be up for the challenge going against a cross-county rival, a playoff team and solid football team.

The All-Knowing-One says the same can be said about Rogers City. The Hurons put their best foot forward in the opener with a 30-6 win over Charleton Heston. The main cog in the win was senior Isaac Paull. The only drawback, the All-Knowing-One sees is the replacement of the offensive line that might cause problems against a veteran team like the Vikings.

Swami Sez: Posen 42, Rogers City 35.

ATLANTA (0-1) AT ALCONA (1-0) — Friday — 7 p.m. — Defense doesn’t usually take center stage, Alcona did just that against Mio. William O’Neill stopped the Thunderbolts in their tracks with eight tackles and Evan Borsvold made things even worse with seven of his own including a safety.

Offensively, the Tigers did not have any problems solving the Thunderbolts’ defense. Jeremiah Bullis ran free for 83 yards, including two touchdowns, while quarterback Garrett Somers went upstairs for six scores, two of which went to William Lieber.

Atlanta took on one of the better Au Gres teams in recent years and it showed by the outcome. This will definitely be a growing year for the youthful Huskies.

With only 17 players there is no room for error for Atlanta. Swami eyes the future as being bright, but this season will be a huge learning curve.

Swami Sez: Alcona 38, Atlanta 8.

HILLMAN (0-1) AT MIO (0-1) — Friday — 7 p.m. — Both Hillman and Mio are looking towards the postseason. If the opening weekend is any indication, both have a lot of work to do before entertaining those thoughts.

Hillman nor Mio were able to put points on the board last week and both played on their side of the 50-yard-line, making them hard to assess. The Tigers’ defense tried to turn the tide in the loss to Whittemore-Prescott. Ethan DeVille stopped a drive with an interception, while Austyn Cotie turned in a fumble recovery. Offensively, the Tigers had difficulty mounting drives either through the air or on the ground.

The Thunderbolts are missing a couple pieces of the puzzle that could turn the season in their favor. Swami says these two seniors can only do so much, what Mio needs is a shot in the arm from its junior class.

Swami Sez: Hillman 21, Mio 20.


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