
Practice fire safety

With warm, dry weather throughout the extended forecast for Northeast Michigan, the risk of wildfires is very high.

Fires can quickly get out of control and spread rapidly on hot days with low humidity and especially on such days that also have good winds.

In those circumstances, it’s better not to burn at all, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.

If you must burn, or if you have a bonfire during these hot, dry days, the DNR offers the following fire safety tips:

∫ Always have a water source nearby.

∫ Never leave a fire unattended, even for a minute.

∫ Keep a metal shovel and bucket nearby.

∫ Put out fires completely with water every time.

The DNR offers lots more on fire prevention and fire safety at michigan.gov/dnr/education/safety-info/fire.

With a little precaution, you can prevent a fire that can damage not just your property but your neighbors’ properties, use up valuable resources of area fire departments, and possibly injure yourself or others, or worse.

Stay safe out there, Northeast Michigan.


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