
What a bow-wow-utiful event

Who’s a good boy?

How about the hundreds of pooches who visited the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center last week for the National Association for Professional Canine Handlers’ annual training and recertification seminar?

The CRTC has hosted the doggies and their handlers for almost 20 years, News staff writer Julie Riddle reported in a recent edition of The News.

Some 330 dogs and their humans from across the continent attended this year’s training, including one who traveled three days from Nova Scotia.

The dogs learned how to sniff out explosives, track humans, find drugs, and practice attack techniques, both on the CRTC campus and at sites around Alpena, Riddle reported.

We’re glad we have a gem like the CRTC to host such an awesome event and we’re glad the association continues to choose Alpena for its annual event.

Good work to all involved in putting on the event.

And good job to all the pooches!


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