
You can drive in a sling, but use caution

While at an event a few weeks ago I was asked if it is legal for a driver to drive if their arm is in a sling because of an injury.

Driving with a cast, sling, or other apparatus is not addressed in the Michigan Vehicle Code.

Since the Vehicle Code does not prohibit it, it is legal to drive with a sling.

If your doctor feels you should not drive with a certain injury, they should recommend a restricted license for a period of time.

If your injury restricts you from driving safely, you should not drive and could be cited for careless driving or any violations committed while driving.

A driver with a sling has the same responsibilities of all drivers including using turn signals, windshield wipers, headlights, shifting, utilizing hazard lights and horn when necessary, wearing a seatbelt, etc.

So, while it is not prohibited, you are responsible to legally and safely operate your vehicle.

Ashley Simpson is a Community Service Trooper for the MSP Alpena Post. If you have a question for Trooper Simpson, you can email her at asktroopersimpson@gmail.com or mail them to Ask A Trooper, Michigan State Police – Alpena Post, 3283 W. Washington Ave, Alpena, Mich., 49707.


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