
September events: Wild mushrooms, Michigan history, camping, and more

Fall is in the air, and there are a variety of ways to get out and enjoy it this month.

Below are a few examples. See a full list at Michigan.gov/DNRCalendar.


Space is still available in two of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Skills Academy’s upcoming wild mushroom clinics: Bay City Sept. 15 and Ontonagon Sept. 21.

Learn how to identify — and find — a variety of Michigan’s edible wild mushrooms and how to properly handle them for transport, cleaning, consumption, and home preservation.


While the Outdoor Adventure Center in Detroit is closed in September for annual deep cleaning, maintenance and exhibit enhancements, the OAC still will offer some outdoor and off-site programs this month.

Learn how to pitch a tent and roast marshmallows during the Harvest Family Campout Sept. 13 and 14. Check out Birding Belle Isle, a guided birding experience during which participants will identify several species and discuss what makes them unique on Sept. 14.


The Michigan History Center’s Mann House museum in Concord will host the fifth annual Women’s History Conference — including presentations, entertainment, lunch, and tours of local historic sites — on Sept. 19.

The Michigan Underground Railroad Heritage Gathering, Sept. 21 at the Michigan History Museum in Lansing, offers opportunities for learning and networking through keynote speakers, workshops, and group and individual presentations.


Ever wonder what a paranormal investigator does?

Learn how to become a member of a paranormal team that looks into apparitions, hauntings, and other otherworldly things, and participate in a real investigation during A Paranormal Event at Fayette State Park in Garden Sept. 20 and 21.

Investigations will occur at various times each night, and online preregistration is required.


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