
Police arrest Republican lawmaker amid gunshot reports in middle of night

LANSING (AP) — Police arrested a Republican lawmaker early Thursday while responding to reports of possible gunshots in Michigan’s capital city, authorities said.

Rep. Neil Friske was arrested “for a felony-level offense” around 2:45 a.m., Lansing police spokesperson Jordan Gulkis said.

Investigators plan to submit a report by Friday to the Ingham County prosecutor, Gulkis said.

A phone message seeking comment from Friske’s office wasn’t immediately returned. But a statement on his campaign’s Facebook page said “Rep Friske is always exercising his 2nd Amendment right.”

“We ask everyone for prayers and to stay tuned for updates directly from this campaign or Representative Friske himself,” the statement said.

Friske, who is running for reelection, has a conservative voting record during his first term in the House. He represents Charlevoix and Emmet counties and portions of Cheboygan, Chippewa and Mackinac counties.

His family operates a popular fruit orchard in Charlevoix County.


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