
6 injured in neighborhood shooting

LATHRUP VILLAGE (AP) — Six people are recovering after they were shot in a residential area of suburban Detroit.

The Lathrup Village Police Department said in a statement posted on its Facebook page that officers responded to a residential neighborhood around 12:20 a.m. Sunday after a report of several people being shot.

They discovered six people wounded by gunfire, four of them with non life-threatening injuries. Two were shot multiple times and were taken to a hospital in critical condition. Both were expected to survive, the police department said in an updated statement Sunday afternoon.

Investigators believe the victims were specifically targeted and the public at large isn’t in danger. They asked anyone with knowledge of the attack to come forward.

The Associated Press left messages with the department’s detective bureau Sunday afternoon seeking more details.

The shooting happened just hours after a gunman opened fire at a splash pad in Rochester Hills, another suburb about 22 miles (35 kilometers) northeast of Lathrup Village.

Nine people were hurt in that attack.


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