
Boys and Girls Club receives grant for hosting project for 9/11 National Day of Service

The Michigan Community Service Commission will provide funding for 14 Michigan organizations hosting volunteer projects for the 9/11 National Day of Service that will support veterans, hunger, homelessness, and other community needs, according to a Monday news release from the commission. The projects will engage 3,100 volunteers who will serve an estimated 9,800 hours of service.

“Serving others is a wonderful way to unite individuals and strengthen communities to restore the spirit of kind-heartedness that followed the 9/11 tragedy,” said Michigan Community Service Commission Executive Director Ginna Holmes. “We encourage everyone to find a way to volunteer and make a difference.”

The Michigan Community Service Commission issued nearly $16,000 in grants ranging from $100 to $1,000. A portion of the funding has been provided through a grant from AmeriCorps.

The grant recipients are:

∫ Boys and Girls Club Alpena

∫ Patrick’s Parish – White Lake

∫ Otsego United Way – Gaylord

∫ Allen Neighborhood Center – Lansing

∫ United Way of Genesee County – Flint National Service Accelerator

∫ Clark Park – Detroit

∫ Edgewood Village Network Center – Lansing

∫ United Way of Marquette County

∫ United Way of the Lakeshore – Muskegon

∫ International Academy, Days of Service – Bloomfield Hills

∫ Wayne State University- AmeriCorps Climate READY – Detroit

∫ All Things Women – Detroit

∫ Peace Ranch – Traverse City

∫ Cherry Health – Grand Rapids

The 9/11 National Day of Service projects are happening in communities across the state, some of which need volunteers. For a complete list of projects that the Michigan Community Service Commission is supporting, and details on how Michiganders can join the efforts, visit michigan.gov/leo.


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