
Michelle Elowski headed to trial

MIO — Michelle Elowski, the former Alpena attorney accused of embezzling money from clients, is expected to face trial in mid-October after she and the county prosecutor failed to reach a plea deal.

Trial is currently scheduled for Oct. 14 to 18 in the 23rd Circuit Court in Mio, a court official confirmed Tuesday.

Elowski faces one count of check fraud with non-sufficient funds of $500 or more, one count of embezzlement by a trustee of $1,000 or more but less than $20,000, and one count of embezzlement by a trustee of $50,000 or more but less than $100,000.

An official in Oscoda County Prosecutor Kristi McGregor’s office said Tuesday that the office could not provide any information. Elowski’s attorney, Ravi Gurumurthy, could not be reached for comment.

Last week, Judge Laura Frawley denied Elowski’s request for what’s known as a Cobbs evaluation, a court process that gives defendants a sense of what sentence they might face if they plead guilty. McGregor said last week her office had offered Elowski a plea deal, but that deal expired Tuesday.

The Michigan State Police arrested Elowski in February following a raid at her Alpena law office, Legal Me.

At the time, a State Police spokesman said the Oscoda County case was “just at the tip of the iceberg” as police continued to investigate what police believed could be “well over $1 million” in embezzled funds.

The Michigan Supreme Court in April barred Elowski from practicing law in the state following a petition filed by the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission, which investigates alleged wrongdoing by attorneys. At the time, Elowski told The News she’d already informed the Grievance Commission she planned to relinquish her law license “due to health issues.”


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