
POLICE BLOTTER: Montmorency County police respond to hit-and-run, burglar alarm, brush fire

Recent actions by law enforcement agencies in Northeast Michigan. This has been only lightly edited.


Updated May 20

Total: 107

Alarms: 0

Animal Control: 12

Traffic Arrests: 0

OWI Arrests: 1

Drug Arrests: 0

Warrant Arrests: 3

Complaint Arrest: 0

Animal/Vehicle Crashes: 6

Disputes: 6

Lewiston EMS: 11

Lewiston Fire: 0

Tri-Township EMS: 15

Tri-Township Fire: 1

Hillman EMS: 12

Hillman Fire: 1

Vienna Fire: 0

Canada Creek EMS: 2

Canada Creek Fire: 0


nmates housed in Alpena Jail – 9

May 13

6:39 a.m.: A passerby reported a van in the ditch in Vienna Township. A deputy responded to the scene but the vehicle was gone upon arrival.

7:27 a.m.: A resident of Briley Township called to report the neighbor’s dog in her yard after her birds. This is an ongoing issue in the area. A deputy responded to the residence, attempted to contact the neighbor but no one was home. Calls were made to the owner of the dog.

9:23 a.m.: A report of horses in the roadway in Loud Township was made. The owners of the horses were contacted and they got the horses out of the roadway.

11:42 a.m.: A deputy transported a prisoner from Alpena County Jail to the Montmorency County Courthouse for court.

2:07 p.m.: A deputy transported a prisoner back to jail after her court session.

4:11 p.m.: A business in Montmorency Township reported a gas drive off, owner states same subject drove off without paying at the station in Briley Township.

4:56 p.m.: A subject that was attempting to get his vehicle from a residence in Albert Township called for a civil stand-by. A deputy responded to the scene.

May 14

10:14 a.m.: A resident of Briley Township called to report dogs in her yard killing her chickens. A deputy responded to the residence. The dogs were no longer there, the deputy located the owner of the dogs and a citation was issued.

May 15

10:52 a.m.: An officer was requested for a civil standby so a subject could gather some belongings.

7:56 p.m.: Dispatch received a complaint of an erratic driver at Tiger Paw Park in Hillman. No officers were in the area to locate the vehicle.

9:21 p.m.: A welfare check was requested for an elderly female in Lewiston. The female was located and was fine.

9:43 p.m.: An MSP Trooper responded to a vehicle vs deer accident. No one was injured and a report was taken.

May 16

2:04 p.m.: An officer responded to a complaint of barking dogs in Albert Township. The dogs were located and the owner spoken to.

7:20 p.m.: Officers were dispatched to a residence in the Village of Hillman for an ongoing dispute. The parties were separated for the night.

May 17

5:20 p.m.: During a traffic stop, a male subject from Lewiston was taken into custody for multiple warrants out of MCSO. Subject was transported to Alpena County Jail and lodged.

10:54 p.m.: A vehicle deer crash was reported in Loud Township. A deputy responded to the scene to take the report.

May 18

2:07 a.m.: While on routine patrol a deputy came upon an injured deer in the roadway. The deputy dispatched the deer.

5:27 a.m.: A subject came into MCSO lobby to report he had hit a deer. A deputy took the report.

6:12 a.m.: Dispatch received a complaint of a light pole that has been run over on State St in Hillman. The complaint is still being investigated.

2:59 p.m.: Dispatched received a complaint of 3 dirt bikes tearing up the parking lot of the Iron Kettle in Lewiston. An officer responded but was unable to locate the subjects.

4:30 p.m.: During a traffic stop, a male subject was taken into custody for a warrant out of Oscoda Township. Bond was paid and the subject was released.

4:52 p.m.: Deputies, MSP, and Tri Township Fire Dept responded to a lost mushroom hunter complaint. The All-County Search & Rescue Team was also contacted to assist. The male subject was located at 7:06 p.m. and was ok.

7:34 p.m.: During a traffic stop on County Rd 612 a male subject was taken into custody for operating while intoxicated. He was lodged in the Alpena County Jail.

May 19

2:13 p.m.: Tri Township EMS and Deputies responded to a motorcycle accident on M-32 in Atlanta. Both the driver and passenger of the bike was transported to the hospital by EMS.

6:41 p.m.: A welfare was requested on a resident of Albert Township by the family. Officers went to the residence, the subject was found to be fine, just having trouble with the phone.


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