
ACC nursing pinning ceremony to feature alumni

Courtesy Photo Nursing alumni from Alpena Community College who would like to participate in the pinning ceremony on May 8 can RSVP by scanning this QR code. The past nursing graduates from ACC will be honored during the pinning event.

Alpena Community College will host its nursing pinning ceremony on May 8 and invites alumni of the program to participate.

The event is slated to begin at 6 p.m. in Park Arena at ACC.

Graduates of the ACC nursing program are asked to complete a short form to RSVP for the pinning ceremony and ensure their alumni records are up to date. Nursing alumni can email alumni@alpenacc.edu to register for the event.

During the pinning, alumni will be led into the arena at the beginning of the ceremony and seated behind the graduating nurses. One ACC nursing alumnus will be chosen as the Florence Nightingale Award winner, recognized for his or her outstanding contributions to the nursing profession.


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