
Voters pass Alpena, Hillman school millage proposals

News Photo by Steve Schulwitz A voter in Alpena checks in with election workers at the APlex before voting in Tuesday’s presidential primary election. As of about 10:30 a.m., turnout was light in the city.

ALPENA –Voters in Northeast Michigan voted to renew their non-homestead millages for Alpena Public Schools and Hillman Community Schools on Tuesday.

The renewals ensure continued funding for general operations, programs, and staffing for the school districts in their communities.

For Alpena Public Schools, the vote was 4,789 for and 3,128 against, while voters for Hillman Community Schools, approved the renewal 582 for and 377 against.

Alpena Superintendant David Rabbideau says that he is happy with the results and is looking forward to continuing his work with the community.

“This is obviously great news for the district,” Rabbideau said. “We are very fortunate for the community’s trust in the district. We look forward to continuing to work with the district to implement our strategic plan.”

For APS, the millage is expected to bring in $9.7 million a year for the next six years.

For Hillman, the millage is expected to bring in $1.9 million a year and be in place for the next four years.

Property owners won’t pay property tax on their primary residences, instead, they will only pay the tax on their industrial and commercial businesses, apartment buildings, some agricultural property, and second homes, cottages, and camps.

Had the renewals failed, both school districts would likely have had to face a massive reduction in the amount of money they receive which likely would have resulted in the reduction or cutting of various programs.

Hillman Superintendant, Pamela Rader also says that she is pleased with the results and is excited to continue to move to improve Hillman Community Schools.

“We’re very proud that the community has come and supported more opportunities to work that we’re doing,” said Rader. “We’re excited that the community can see that we’re supporting students at all levels and helping them choose their path no matter which path that is.”

For APS the successful renewal campaign was the result of community outreach and collaboration with APS Superintendent Rabbidau, personally visiting several local organizations and businesses to inform and communicate to their members about the importance of the bond to their school district.


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