
Regional Housing Plan envisions 5K new homes

News File Photo A house on West Maple Street displays a for-sale sign in the front yard in this July 2023 News archive photo.

The Target Alpena Development Corp. announced on Wednesday the successful completion of the Regional Housing Plan, a collaborative effort aimed at addressing housing challenges and fostering inclusive communities across Northeast Michigan.

The Regional Housing Plan envisions the creation of 5,000 housing units for single- and multi-family homes and the rehabilitation of 5,000 units.

“Our vision is to create a region where every individual and family can access safe, affordable, and dignified housing,” Region E Housing Partnership Lead Lenny Avery said in a statement.

Region E consists of Alpena, Alcona, Crawford, Cheboygan, Iosco, Montmorency, Ogemaw, Otsego, Oscoda, Roscommon, Presque Isle counties.


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