
Veterans, residents honor the centennial of the Tomb of the Unknkown Soldier

News Photo by Barbara Woodham Wayne Trapp, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 583, is seen at the Veterans Day ceremony Thursday at Little Flanders Field.

ALPENA — The annual Veterans Day event at Little Flanders Field in Alpena on Thursday honored the Centennial of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

The event honors all past and present military veterans every year, but this year was extra special, said Wayne Trapp, president of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 583.

Thursday marked the 100th anniversary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery. Dedicated Nov. 11, 1921, the tomb originally served as the symbolic final resting place of unidentified World War I service members but has since commemorated unidentified soldiers from other wars.

Nancy Flasck, a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2496 in Alpena, originally from Rochester Hills, said this was the first year that smaller cemeteries across the nation were allowing the public to approach the Tombs of the Unknown Soldiers and place flowers on them during Veterans Day events.

“I love Alpena,” Flasck said. “Alpena loves their veterans and will do anything for them.”

News Photo by Barbara Woodham Wreaths on crosses during the Veterans Day ceremony on Thursday at Little Flanders Field.

Dan Perge, veterans service officer for Alpena County, was the master of ceremonies for the event.

The guest speaker was Lt. Col. Dustin Budd, commander of the Operations Directorate at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center. Edwin Olsen was named Alpena County Veteran of the Year.

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He spoke about the generosity of the people in Alpena.

Local veterans and their families, including Tom and Jean Keen, placed wreaths on crosses in the field honoring fallen service members. Tom Keen, commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3890, said that he is a Vietnam War veteran who lost his leg to Agent Orange, an herbicide used widely by the military in that war but later linked to several illnesses.

News Photo by Barbara Woodham Edwin Olsen, left, was named Alpena County Veteran of the Year by Dan Perge, right, veterans service officer for Alpena County and master of ceremonies for the Veterans Day ceremony on Thursday at Little Flanders Field.

That does not stop him from performing his duties and running bingo in two separate places.

The rifle salute was performed by the VFW Post 2496 Honor Guard, accompanied by Bob Sullivan and Virginia Halsey, echoing taps.

The Marine Corps League did the ringing of the bell and Chaplain Bill Romstadt ended the ceremony with a benediction.

A group of veterans discussed how nice it was to see all of the branches of the armed forces come together in one place to honor each other.

News Photo by Barbara Woodham Lt. Col. Dustin Budd, commander of the Operations Directorate at the Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center, speaks in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at the Veterans Day ceremony on Thursday at Little Flanders Field.

News Photo by Barbara Woodham Tom Keen, commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3890, and Jean Keen, right, are seen at the Veterans Day ceremony Thursday at Little Flanders Field.


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