
Residents believe another attack could happen

ALPNA – The nation remembered the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack on Thursday, and the almost 3,000 lives that were lost in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

Although it has been 13 years since Al-Qaida hijacked commercial airliners to bring down the World Trade Center towers and destroy a portion of the Pentagon some in Northeast Michigan believe another terror attack is likely, but this time from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, also known as ISIS.

In the months that followed the attacks America became one, as people of different race, religion, sexual orientation and status came together to support the country and send the terrorists a clear message that America would not be defeated, deflated or bullied.

Buzz McFalda said he was at work in Lansing when news broke about the Twin Towers. He said after the second plane struck most of the workers gathered around a television in disbelief as the events unfolded.

He said he had two sons who were both in the military at the time and feared for them. McFalda said he knew the world had changed forever and not for the better. He said he remembers the close bond Americans felt after the 9/11 attacks and believes the only way to recapture it today is to remember the tragedy more than on the anniversary of it each year.

“Each year on Sept. 11 you see the flags and the moment of silence and everyone saying ‘God bless the U.S.A.,’ but it seems like it is only for one day and then it is gone,” McFalda said. “It comes and goes and then it is forgotten about for another year. We need to remember those events every day and celebrate the people who died and went to war because of it every day.”

Although it is hard to determine if any of the terrorists have infiltrated America, there is a growing concern the radical group, which has captured large swaths of Iraq and Syria, could be poised to strike. It has shown its hatred of the west and issued threats with the beheading of American journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley.

Dan McKnight of Alpena said the U.S. always has been a target, but today there are many different groups that could attack and many different means to do so. He said he has faith that it is just a cycle the world is going through and some day the fear and sense of unease in America will dissipate.

“I think once this cycle passes we’ll feel safe once again, but right now I think we need to do something about our borders. It is too easy to get across from Mexico, but I guess people could always get in by flying as well,” McKnight said. “In my opinion, I think we need to take a strong stand against anyone who is a threat, whether that is ISIS or if it is home grown.”

Joeseph Miller said he fears it is just a matter of time until another attack on America takes place. He said he doesn’t know when or where, but it is only a matter of time, especially if ISIS isn’t addressed soon.

“These people are monsters and they have no fear of killing or being killed,” Miller said. “I don’t think we can just look the other way on this or we will pay for it later. I think most Americans are afraid of what ISIS wants to do to us and know we must act now. We need to learn from our mistakes.

“We had a chance to get (Osama) bin Laden and didn’t and look what happened. I don’t think we can avoid another terrorist attack 100 percent, but we may be able to limit the chance by fighting ISIS now.”

Chance Radke said he is concerned there already are ISIS trained militants in the U.S. waiting to strike. He said he is unsure what can be done to locate them before they carry out an attack, but believes it is naive to think another 9/11 can be avoided.

“We have Americans going over there and joining them, so of course they are going to try to come back,” Radke said. “I think we are less safe now than what we were before Sept. 11 because we have a bigger target on our back. I try not to worry about it that much, but nowadays it is always in the back of your mind.”

Steve Schulwitz can be reached via email at sschulwitz@thealpenanews.com or by phone at 358-5689. Follow Steve on Twitter ss_alpenanews. Read his blog, Upon Further Review … at www.thealpenanews.com.


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