
Search for missing man put on hold

In a press release Thursday’s morning, the Presque Isle County Sheriff’s Office has announced the search for Mikel Scott Schepke has been suspended due to the firearm deer season. Officials believe it would be unsafe to have searchers in the woods in such a populated hunting area, though the investigation is ongoing.

“We need you to be our eyes, with the amount of people that are going to be in the woods in the next few days, and the enormous amount of land that you will cover, we are asking that you be observant for any discarded clothing or anything out of the ordinary,” Sheriff Bob Paschke said.

Schepke was last seen wearing dark colored pants, a heavy fall blue jacket, black baseball cap with Alaska printed on it, and brown above-ankle boots.

Paschke said the focus of the search is in Rogers, Moltke and Ocqueoc townships.

Officials are asking the public for its help. If you have any information, contact the sheriff’s office at 734-2156.


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