
Walt and Sue Jackowiak celebrate 50th anniversary

Sue and Walt Jackowiak, 1973
Sue and Walt Jackowiak Now

Walt and Sue Jackowiak celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Oct. 6, 2023.

Walter Jackowiak and Susan Brado first met on the school bus in 1969. They were united in marriage on Oct. 6, 1973, at Long Rapids Congregational Church in Long Rapids, Michigan, by the Rev. Charles Hawkins.

Both retired, Walt was a Local 85 Union plumber and pipe fitter and later went to work at DCP Midstream as a plant operator. Sue worked as a registered nurse and retired from Hospice of Michigan.

They have two children, Robert (Lindsay) Jackowiak of Waller, Texas and Krystal (Larry) Jackowiak of Columbus, Ohio. They have one grandson, Lane, who is the light of their life.

The couple celebrated with an open house at their farm, surrounded by friends and family.


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