
Spaeths celebrate 50 years of marriage

Courtesy Photo Don and Patty Spaeth are seen in a recent photo.

Dr. Don and Patty Spaeth of Northpoint Shores, Alpena, will celebrate their 50th anniversary on Aug. 18.

“It is through God’s grace and love that we have shared 50 years of married lives,” the Spaeths said. “We thank God for his creation of marriage between one man and one woman. We are thankful for all His blessings, which include four daughters, 14 grandchildren, and 11 great-grandchildren. We are blessed with a church family that shares His love with others and which helps us grow in our relationship with HIm. Above all, we thank God for the gift of salvation through His son, Jesus.”

Don Spaeth and Patty Hodson were married Aug. 18, 1973 in Evansville, Indiana.

Their children include Michele Bain, of Raleigh, North Carolina, Mary Alsadeq, of Kansas City, Missouri, Mindy Wolf, of Raleigh, North Carolina, and Heidi Langston, of Pinehurst, Texas.

The couple’s grandchildren include Joshua Bain, Abe Husein, Madison Miller, Molly Spragins, Hebah Taylor, Olivia Suriano, Naomi Bain, Malak Alsadeq, John David Langston, Bakr Husein, Brittany Messolella, Savanna Langston, Rachel Langston, and Stephen Langston.

Courtesy Photo Don and Patty Spaeth are seen on their wedding day.

The couple’s great-grandchildren include Zoe Bain, Luke Taylor, Belleami Langston, Eli Bain, Nora Spragins, Charlie Messolella, Sadie Spragins, Beau Messolella, Jones MIller, Finley Spragins, and Emmie Messolella.


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