
Learn how not to organize

Let's Get Organized

Doris Puls

Happy New Year! Many people make new year’s resolutions with good intentions of organizing and decluttering. We may know the steps to take in doing so, but there are also lists of things we should not do, which will be addressed here.

Don’t go out and buy organizing totes, baskets, and “fun” organizing boxes. Everyone I have ever worked with eliminates what they don’t use, and usually ends up with too many organizing boxes because they have gotten rid of so much. After you are finished, you might want to purchase a few decorative objects to put things in.

Don’t leave a mess. If you are finding yourself growing weary and not making good decisions, whether it is one hour or four, stop and clean up what you have gone through. Put back what you want, put the donations either in your vehicle or in a corner to go out later, and throw the garbage out. Even if you think you will get to it the next day, you don’t want to start with a mess.

Don’t look at a box, or area, or closet and think you want everything. Always take everything out and put back only what you want and use. There’s something about having it in your hands that makes it easier to make wise decisions.

Don’t wait to get started. Even if you take one drawer full of stuff out and put back what you use, you’ve accomplished something. That would probably take less than an hour.

Don’t take out a huge amount of stuff to go through. It may seem overwhelming if you do and you will get discouraged. Only take out a part of a closet or one drawer at a time.

Don’t start unprepared. All you need is a garbage bag, a donation box, and a “goes somewhere else” box. A table to put things on to sort is also very helpful.

Don’t leave the room. If you want water, get it at the beginning of the job. If you need to check your phone, bring it with you.

Don’t hesitate to get help. It shouldn’t be embarrassing for someone to come in and help you if you are willing to clean it all up and get organized.

Don’t buy another organizing book. They all have their gimmicks, but what it comes down to is getting started and doing it.

2025 is a good year to declutter and get your spaces organized the way you want them to be.

Doris Puls, of D & O Decluttering and Organizing, is a professional organizer whose mission is to make a difference in the lives of the people she works with in homes and businesses. Contact her at organizealpena@gmail.com or at 989-356-9545.


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