
Alpena Longbeards hold events, contests, activities for kids

Courtesy Photo The Alpena Longbeards hold events throughout the year for all ages. Pictured above are children who participated in the July 2024 Fishing Day, sponsored by the Longbeards, Thunder Bay Walleye Club, Alpena Sportsmen’s Club, and Sunrise Side Delta Waterfowl. The Longbeards thank the clubs, as well as the following businesses who donated items: Holcim, Clem’s Bait and Tackle, Eagle Supply Co., and Pepsi Co.
Courtesy Photo The Alpena Longbeards congratulate the winners of the 2024 Turkey Contest. Pictured, from left, are Charlie Halleck of Clem’s Bait and Tackle, first-place winner Brent Birmingham, Longbeards President Tim Haske, and second-place winner Henry Wirgau. The awards were presented at Clem’s Bait and Tackle in Alpena.
Courtesy Photo Above are participants in the Youth Shotgun Shoot held in June 2024, sponsored by the Alpena Longbeards, Thunder Bay Walleye Club, Alpena Sportsmen’s Club, and Sunrise Side Delta Waterfowl.
Courtesy Photo Youth gather at the 2024 Alpena Longbeards Turkey Banquet, held at the APlex in Alpena. This year’s banquet will be held on Saturday, April 12 at the APlex.


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