
An Evening with Family and Friends raises nearly $12K

Courtesy Photo Donna Morgan, left, presents a check for $5,840 to Mary Lappan, center, Little Food Pantry coordinator, and the Rev. Tom Orth, pastor of Grace Lutheran Church. The funds were raised on Oct. 4 at An Evening with Family and Friends.

ALPENA — A memorial fundraiser called An Evening with Family and Friends raised $6,139 for Friends Together, and $5,840 for Grace Lutheran Church’s Little Food Pantry.

The fundraiser, organized by Donna Morgan and Jean Spaulding, was held on Oct. 4 in memory of Daniel Spaulding and Joseph and Laura Bleau.

In addition to monetary donations, several totes full of nonperishable food items were also donated to the Little Food Pantry the night of the event.

The evening included dinner, desserts, drinks, live entertainment, guest speakers, a slide show, and a fun-filled auction.

Morgan and Spaulding are grateful for the community’s generous support.

Courtesy Photo Donna Morgan, left, presents a check for $6,129.18 to Friends Together staff members Shelly Gibbs, center, and Melissa Burns. The funds were raised on Oct. 4 at An Evening with Family and Friends.

“I believe Daniel, Joseph, and Laura would be so proud to see the way their family, friends, and community came together to celebrate their lives and give to the nonprofit organizations that meant so much to them,” Morgan said in a thank-you letter to those who contributed to the fundraiser.

Daniel Spaulding was the son of Jean Spaulding, and Joseph and Laura Bleau were Morgan’s parents.


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