
Besser Museum reaches $35K match goal

Generous Banner Realty donation helps museum meet mark

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Banner Realty made a generous donation on Thursday to Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan, bringing them to their fundraising goal for the new “Discover Northeast Michigan History” exhibit. Pictured, from left, are Sarah Honeycutt, museum collections manager, Margie Haaxma, Banner Realty owner/broker, and Christine Witulski, Besser Museum executive director.

ALPENA — Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan has reached its $35,000 fundraising goal to receive a matching grant for its new “Discover Northeast Michigan History” exhibit, thanks to a generous donation from Margie Haaxma, owner and broker of Banner Realty.

Through the generosity of local businesses, organizations, and individuals, as well as grants, the Besser Museum has now raised the $1.8 million needed to fund the new interactive exhibit, set to open by the end of the year.

“I think I’m in shock,” Besser Museum Executive Director Christine Witulski said on Thursday when she realized the fundraising goal had been reached. “It’s surreal … This really helped to secure those funds. What a blessing.”

“As a Realtor, I really want to support what’s going on,” Haaxma said. “I think it’s a really wonderful endeavor that Chris and the board have undertaken.”

Haaxma said the museum is a treasure to Northeast Michigan, and the “Discover Northeast Michigan History” exhibit will further enhance the museum.

“When I have customers and I show them the new community, this is one of the places that I bring them,” Haaxma said of the museum. “I just am really proud of this amenity that our community has to offer.”

“This isn’t the first time that Margie has made a major contribution to the Besser Museum,” Witulski said.

As the chair of Private Property Week in 1981, Haaxma led the charge to bring the Spratt United Methodist Church and the Green School to the grounds of Besser Museum. The local Alpena, Alcona, Presque Isle Board of Realtors headed up the project.

“In 1981, the Board of Realtors raised funds,” Haaxma said. “It was a long affair … It’s really a marvelous thing that we were able to get that accomplished. The Realtors in this area have really made a major commitment.”

The Green School was brought to the museum in 1981, and the Spratt Church was moved there in 1990. Those two historical buildings, along with others, will be open to the public on Saturday for the Besser Museum’s Fall Harvest Fossil Fest. There will be many more festivities on-site as well for the annual festival, scheduled from noon to 4 p.m. on Saturday.

Witulski said the historic buildings are a valuable part of the museum’s offerings, and they have been put to good use over the last 40-plus years.

“It’s still as vibrant and used today as it was when it first came,” Witulski said of Spratt Church. “We still host weddings in the church. We host the Spratt congregation every year when they come and do their service. The school is still used for field trips — kids love it. And for Fall Harvest and Log Cabin Day, when it’s open, they love that.”

She is grateful for the contributions made recently, and those made decades ago that still have an impact.

“The investment in the Besser Museum is a good investment, because it will bless people and it will be here for years to come,” Witulski said.

Witulski said she is amazed with the generosity of our community during this fundraising campaign.

“We are excited to have a very small part in making it happen,” Haaxma said.

Reach Darby Hinkley at dhinkley@thealpenanews.com or 989-358-5691.


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