
Senchuks celebrate 50th anniversary

Robert and Debra Senchuk, 1974

The children of Robert and Debra (Gino) Senchuk happily announce their parents 50th wedding anniversary. The couple married on June 1, 1974 at St. Rose Church in Herron. They made their home together on 3rd Avenue in Alpena, residing there still, where they created a family and many cherished memories. At the time of their nuptials, both were employed by Besser Corporation. Robert, or Bob to most, continued employment with Besser for 38 years, officially retiring June of 1999. Debra, or Debbie, left Besser after giving birth to be a full-time mom. When the kids were school age, she returned to the work force working different jobs such as at the Fletcher Motel, The Alpena News, and the hospital.

Their union produced two daughters, Jill (Brian) Przeslawski of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Jessica (Bryan) Liske of Alpena. They have also been blessed with six grandchildren, Gage Przeslawski and Riley Przeslawski, both of Cincinnati, Ohio, and Lauren (Zack) O’Brien, Keegan Liske, Alexis Liske, and Isabelle Liske, all of Alpena; as well as two great-granddaughters, Lennon O’Brien and Bailey O’Brien.


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