
Newlyweds, crowd, pets gather at Turning Brook car show

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Newlyweds Bob VanDusen and Lisa Martin pose next to Bob’s 1923 Ford T-bucket, named “Looney Tune Lily.”

ALPENA ­– Turning Brook Senior Living Community was the place to be on Friday afternoon, with a car show, cookout, and even a newlywed couple enjoying the sunny day.

“It’s our Father’s Day weekend, and each year we have a tradition — The Ramblin’ Rods come in and do a car show for us,” said Maysie Lemont, Life Enrichment Coordinator at Turning Brook. “It’s a sunshiny day, and we’re very blessed for that.”

Lisa Martin and Bob VanDusen tied the knot at 2 p.m. on Friday, then headed over to Turning Brook in Bob’s 1923 “Looney Tune Lily” for a fun celebration.

“It’s a kit car, actually,” VanDusen said. “It was built in 1975 … I’ve had it for about nine years, now.”

“It was always his dream to have a T-bucket,” his wife added. “He names all of his cars.”

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Bob VanDusen and Lisa Martin got married at 2 p.m. on Friday, then headed over to Turning Brook in Bob’s 1923 “Looney Tune Lily” for a fun celebration.

They mingled with others who were admiring the 25 to 30 cars on display.

News Photo by Darby Hinkley Donna and Duane Malburg enjoy the Turning Brook car show on Friday with their pretty pooch, Tessla.

News Photo by Darby Hinkley A variety of cars, both modern and classic, are seen Friday at the Turning Brook car show.


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