
Five happy couples celebrate 64th anniversaries together

Courtesy Photo Pictured at Churchill Pointe Inn are, from left, Jim and Joanne Bowen, Don and Jean Stewart, Bob and Jan Haase, Bill and Dottie Haase, and Dick and Marilyn Bachelor. The five couples recently celebrated their 64th anniversaries together.

HUBBARD LAKE — Five local couples recently met up to celebrate their 64th anniversaries together for their annual summer celebration at Churchill Pointe Inn.

The couples have all been friends for nearly 30 years, from when they had all moved to Northeast Michigan. They all have been lucky enough to be married to their spouses for 64 years.

The five couples started their friendships as volunteers in the Northeast Michigan area, first as newcomers and members of the Hubbard Lake Sportsmen and Improvement Association, pulling invasive purple loosestrife, developing a fishing clinic for kids, starting a garden club and getting involved in numerous area volunteer projects, which they continue today.

The couples are Jim and Joanne Bowen, married on Jan. 3, 1959; Don and Jean Stewart, married on June 18, 1960; Bob and Jan Haase, married on Oct. 17, 1959; Bill and Dottie Haase, married on Aug. 19, 1960; and Dick and Marilyn Bachelor, married on Aug. 27, 1960.


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