

Exchange Club elects officers

ALPENA — Wayne Lewis was recently elected president of the Exchange Club of Alpena. As president, he will preside over the Exchange Club of Alpena Board of Directors. His other responsibilities include working with other club and District Exchange Club leader to establish club goals; serve as the liaison between The National Exchange Club, located in Toledo, Ohio; and club members, distribute educational materials provided by the national office to the appropriate club committees; and lead the club toward bettering the community through a variety of projects.

Other elected officers include Immediate Past President Stacee Martin, President-Elect Staci Chroninger, Vice President Courtney Holmes, Secretary Leslie Reynolds, Treasurer Steve Goike, and Directors Bob Martin, Ray Reynolds, Rob Golding, Gary Spragg, and Meg Devers.

Exchange, America’s Service Club, is a group of men and women working together to make our communities better places to live through programs of service in Americanism, Community Service, Youth Activities, and its national project, the Prevention of Child Abuse.

Sale at the Pines Friday, Saturday

ALPENA — The Pines will host a garage sale from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday and Saturday in the Pines Community Room at 202 Woods Circle off Wilson Street, behind the health department.


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