
Fourth of July parade entry deadline June 24

ALPENA — HPC Credit Union is accepting registration forms for the HPC Credit Union Fourth of July Parade. This year’s theme is “America’s Birthday.” This should be the dominating factor in preparing your entry and, from there, let your imagination take over. Entries will be judged on theme, creativity and appearance. Appropriate music is highly encouraged.

The parade begins at 11 a.m. on Thursday, July 4 at the Alpena County Fairgrounds, ending in the large parking lot on the right before the Great Lakes Maritime Heritage Center on Fletcher Street.

There is no entry fee this year for the parade.

Registration forms are available at HPC Credit Union on Ripley or Chisholm or at www.hpccu.com. Forms must be turned in by 5 p.m. on Monday, June 24. Late registrations will not be accepted. If you have questions, call 989-340-1923.


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