
Wildlife Sanctuary board hears updates

ALPENA — Alpena Wildlife Sanctuary board members , at a recent meeting, considered many business items, ranging from tree identification signs for Island Park to website coordination.

Signs identifying a variety of trees on Island Park are being updated. Larry Johns, along with other board members, is updating information and QR codes.

Judy Kalmanek reported that plans for Phase I of the River Center are on track for construction of restrooms and a pavilion in 2024. Also, as plans progress for Phase II, board members will be asked for their input on program ideas.

Kalmanek also described the recent family event “Magic in Our Midst” and noted the many volunteers used to present this popular educational and fun event.

Lisa Kruse reported the progress on updating websites and information to make it easier for people to use social media when seeking information about Wildlife Sanctuary activities.

The board voted to recommend to Alpena Municipal Council that Amber Hubbard be appointed as a new member of the Wildlife Sanctuary Board.

Catherine Stedman showed items from a recent meeting of the Huron Coastal Invasive Species Network such as a booklet describing various native plants and flowers, and some invasives, or non-native plants, that should not be planted. She also had 75 pairs of work gloves donated by Jiffy Products and distributed by The Stewardship Network.

City Liaison Montiel Birmingham mentioned the need to update the Island Park Management Plan and suggested reviewing the proposed City Recreation Plan.


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