
Hillman receives $3k with Education Excellence Award

Courtesy Photo Hillman Elementary School Principal Crystal Vogt and students pose with the 2023 Education Excellence Award sign that came with a $3,000 grant from the SET SEG Foundation.

HILLMAN ­– Hillman Community Schools has been named one of 10 Education Excellence Award winners, receiving a $3,000 grant for their program, “Differentiated Reading Instruction and STEAM.”

In partnership with the Michigan Association of School Boards, the SET SEG Foundation hosts the Education Excellence Awards, granting funds to public school programs that change lives and impact students’ futures. In addition to the grant, award recipients receive an “Education Excellence Winner” road sign and commemorative trophy to proudly display their accomplishment in the community.

The DRI program was instituted five years ago in response to deficiencies in fundamental skills and learning. In DRI, students work in small groups of similar skills to receive daily reading support led by an adult trained in that specific level. STEAM is a mixture of science, technology, engineering, art, and/or math. Students apply their advanced reading skills in this area on a daily basis.

“We are honored to recognize the efforts made by the Hillman Community Schools,” said Molly Mellema, SET SEG Foundation executive director. “The opportunity to make an impact is made possible through the dedication and passion of our public school teachers and staff, creating a positive effect on our students, communities, and state and state through programs like this.”

The SET SEG Foundation is the philanthropic arm of SET SEG, a risk management organization serving Michigan public schools. The SET SEG Foundation is fueled by its mission to enable students to pursue enrichment opportunities that advance learning, leadership, and civic responsibility by providing services, scholarships, and grants directly to Michigan public schools and Michigan public school students.

For more information about the SET SEG Foundation, visit www.setseg.org/foundation.


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