
Buchinger and Khuri to wed

Ethan Buchinger and Madeline Khuri

Madeline Khuri and Ethan Buchinger announce their engagement. The bride-to-be, from Marietta, Georgia, is the daughter of Betsy Khuri and Ramzi Khuri of Woodstock Georgia. Maddie is a 2017 graduate of the University of Alabama and works at Huron Pines in Alpena. The future groom is the son of Andrew and Stephanie Buchinger of Lachine. Ethan is a 2016 graduate of the University of Alaska Fairbanks and works for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Alpena. Maddie and Ethan met while in the Peace Corps in Zambia. They will exchange their wedding vows on Nov. 5, 2022 in Blairsville, Georgia.


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