
Goff and Pinger engaged to marry

Logan Pinger and Natalie Goff

Natalie Goff and Logan Pinger are happy to announce their engagement and upcoming wedding. The high school sweethearts are students at Michigan State University, both graduating next year. They currently reside in East Lansing with their beloved cat.

Natalie will graduate with two Bachelor of Science degrees in Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Biology, and plans to attend medical school following graduation. She currently works as a dermatology medical assistant in Okemos.

Logan will graduate with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering and plans to continue working within the Department of Transportation in Lansing.

The couple graduated from Alpena High School in 2018.

Natalie is the daughter of Ray and Bonnie Goff of Lachine, and the granddaughter of Jean Dowling of Lachine.

Logan is the son of Loren and Harriet Pinger of Ossineke, and the grandson of Louise Buvia of Alpena.

The couple will exchange wedding vows on June 4, 2022 at Castle Farms in Charlevoix, surrounded by their family and friends.

Their engagement photos were taken by Amy Elisabeth Photography.


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