
Dragonfly Art Gallery to hold reception

Courtesy Photos Above, Kathryn Cubalo, of Spruce, is the Dragonfly Art Gallery Artist of the Month.
Tom Heatley is the visiting artist for the month of August at Dragonfly Art Gallery in Harrisville.
File photo

Dragonfly Art Gallery, located at 116 E. Main St. in Harrisville, will hold an open house for Kathryn Cubalo, the artist of the month, and Tom Heatley, visiting artist, from 1 to 3 p.m. on Aug. 14.

“We are very lucky to have photographer Tom Heatley with us for another month,” Dragonfly owner Lynne Freitag said in an email. “I was able to visit with him the last time I worked at the Dragonfly. He had many interesting stories to share with me. He has a story for everyone of his photos. Guests that come to the open house will get a chance to ask him all about his travels at home and abroad.”

The very talented Kathryn Cubalo is a Spruce native, and earned her B.S. in Education at Eastern Michigan University. While raising a family with her husband, Lloyd, Kathryn augmented her desire to paint by taking art classes at Schoolcraft College in Livonia. After the Cubalos moved back to Alcona County, Kathryn continued studying with such well-known artists as Helga Flower, Bridget Austin, Robert Salo, and Roland Roycroft. Her professional memberships include Northeast Michigan Artists’ Guild (NEMAG), Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan, and Dragonfly Art Gallery.

Most of her paintings reflect the peace and tranquility of landscapes or flowers. She works in her own studio in Lincoln and welcomes opportunities to explore new dimensions in art and to share her vision of the beauty of Northern Michigan and this wonderful community.


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