
Heise and Kendziorski engaged

Zachary Kendziorski and Sydney Heise

Sydney Heise and Zachary Kendziorski are happy to announce their engagement.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Tom and Cirrae Heise of Alpena. The future groom is the son of Phil and Lisa Kendziorski of Alpena.

Sydney is a 2015 graduate of Alpena High School and a 2020 graduate of Ferris State University. She is a dental hygienist at Farmington Smiles in Farmington.

Zack is a 2015 graduate of Alpena High School and 2019 graduate of Michigan Technological University with a degree in mechanical engineering. He is employed by Ford Motor Company in Dearborn.

The couple will exchange their wedding vows on July 24, 2021 at St. Anne Church of All Saints Parish in Alpena.


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