

Model railroad Zoom meeting Saturday

The monthly meeting of the National Model Railroad Association North Central Region Division 2 will be held online via Zoom from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday.

Are you looking for a new Hobby? Were you a model railroader in the past? Join this monthly Zoom meeting.

This is a general meeting and will include a presentation on model railroading and a show and tell.

For login and password information, please contact: superintendent.nmra.ncr.div2@gmail.com.

MiThrive webinar Wednesday

MiThrive will host a virtual webinar for those residing in 31 counties of Northern Michigan. Northeast Michigan will be the focus from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesday. Your voice is needed. Where we live, learn, work, and play are powerful influences on our well-being. Collectively, we have the power to build a thriving region where everyone, despite differences, can thrive. For more information, please visit https://northernmichiganchir.org/taking-action/community-needs-assessment/ to view the MiThrive assessment.

After six months of collecting data on our northern region of the state, one of the four areas of focus included residential input.

Residents shared their responses. They want community connectedness, a clean natural environment, access to healthy food, services to meet basic needs, opportunities for physical activity, improved transportation, improved community infrastructure, health knowledge, more available medical care providers, more affordable health care, and accessible insurance.

Grow, save and share seeds with PIDL

April 22 is Earth Day. In recognition of Earth Day, the Presque Isle District Library is partnering with the state in “One Seed, One State” to help promote growing, saving and sharing seeds. Stop by the Rogers City branch of the library to check out the free available seeds, then plant, and enjoy. Your participation helps the Michigan Seed Library.

Seeds are one of the world’s most valuable resources in sustaining plant biodiversity, preserving cultural heritage, and feeding communities across the globe. Michigan is one such community, and the Michigan Seed Library serves to connect people interested in raising, eating, harvesting, and saving seeds. The Michigan Seed Library strives to promote sustainable agriculture, food systems, and social systems throughout the Michigan seed saving community so that seeds can continue to preserve cultural heritage and bring about positive change far into the future.

Participate for free in MSU’s virtual Science Festival 2021

All events that are a part of the Michigan State University Science Festival are offered online for free this year. The science festival opened April 1 and runs through April 30.

The 2021 MSU Science Festival is virtual this year, including “explore on your own” activities. Even though it is virtual, the presenters dazzle, delight, educate, and inform, reaching beyond science to include technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM).

There’s always something for everyone. There are citizen science and experiment-along activities, and talks with global experts.

Whether you are part of MSU’s continuing or ever-expanding audience, the MSU SciFest Team is proud to have you along on their journey of science.

May the wonders of STEAM spark curiosity and inspire your imagination now and for the future. For more information, please visit https://sciencefestival.msu.edu/ to access the MSU Science Festival.


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