
MDOT partners with GLGR to install prototype stormwater filter in RC

Courtesy Photo by Rick Houchin Photography

ROGERS CITY — The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is collaborating with the environmental nonprofit Great Lakes Great Responsibility to explore ways to reduce litter and prevent marine debris from stormwater runoff. A stormwater filter prototype will be installed in one of the main stormwater outlets in Rogers City in early April with the goal of capturing litter and debris that has accumulated over the winter before it enters Lake Huron.

After seeing a similar stormwater filter system being used in Australia through a social media post, MDOT Maintenance Coordinator Eric Precord reached out to Great Lakes Great Responsibility to collaborate on this effort. Great Lakes Great Responsibility works to empower individuals across the region to take action on behalf of Great Lakes with a particular focus on litter removal.

Precord was quick to have the prototype filter fabricated locally and noted,”With a couple of good rain events, we will really be able to see the impact that this type of filter can have on reducing pollution in Lake Huron.”

Great Lakes Great Responsibility founder Meag Schwartz was eager to partner with MDOT and explore tools that could prevent litter from entering local waterways.

“MDOT is taking a really important step to explore ways they can work with the existing infrastructure to prevent marine debris,” said Schwartz. “Many coastal stormwater systems across the Great Lakes region drain directly into the lakes; with a heavy rain event any litter that is in gutters can make its way into the lakes.”

Rogers City Mayor Scott McLennan fully supports this effort, stating, “Rogers City continues to recognize the importance of protecting our natural resources. We live in a coastal community with an unspoiled environment. Partnering with groups such as Great Lakes Great Responsibility, Huron Pines, MDOT and others to preserve this pristine environment is a priority.”

This filter is the first of many that could potentially be installed across coastal municipalities in the northeast Michigan region. Learn more about the MDOT’s statewide Stormwater Management Plan at www.michigan.gov/mdot and about GLGR’s cleanup efforts at www.greatlakeslove.org.


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