
Alpena teen named Youth of the Year by Boys and Girls Club

Alison Hosinski to vie for state title, scholarship

Courtesy Photo Alison Hosinski is the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena’s Youth of the Year and will go on to vie for the state title and scholarship later this year.

ALPENA — Alison Hosinski has been named the Youth of the Year by the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena. The Youth of the Year title is a prestigious honor bestowed upon an exemplary young person in recognition of leadership, service, academic excellence and dedication to live a healthy lifestyle.

Now in its 74th year, the Youth of the Year program honors our nation’s most awe-inspiring young people on their path to great futures. Hosinski will go on to contend for the Michigan Youth of the Year title and a $2,500 college scholarship from Boys and Girls Clubs of America.

“Alison is a remarkable role model for the club’s younger members and a leader within the Youth Volunteer Corps program,” said Bradley Somers, executive director of the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena. “Alison is a very hard worker and has a great vision for the future. I am so proud of the work she has done for the club and the community and excited to see the amazing things she will accomplish.

“Each year, one exceptional club member is selected to be the Boys and Girls Club’s Youth of the Year, serving as an ambassador for Boys and Girls Club youth as well as a voice for all of our community’s young people,” he continued. “Over the decades, these individuals have exemplified the Boys and Girls Club’s mission and are proof to the impact clubs make in positively transforming the lives of our local and national youth.”

Hosinski actively participates in the Youth Volunteer Corps, a group of youth dedicated to leadership and community service. Hosinski is the president of the club’s Youth Advisory Council and has achieved over 200 volunteer hours during her tenure at the club. She has been an active member in Girl Scouts since seventh grade.

Hosinski holds a 4.022 GPA and is an early college student. After completing the early college program, she plans to attend Michigan State University where she would like to become an entrepreneur.

If Hosinski is named the Michigan Youth of the Year, she will contend for the title of Midwest Regional Youth of the Year. The winner of that competition will receive an additional $20,000 college scholarship.

Six finalists will advance to the virtual National Youth of the Year event in October to vie for the title of Boys and Girls Clubs of America’s National Youth of the Year. The National Youth of the Year will receive an additional scholarship of $50,000 and a brand-new Toyota Corolla.

The Youth of the Year program is supported by Toyota and Mondelez. As the Signature Sponsor of Youth of the Year, Toyota is committed to partnering with Boys and Girls Clubs of America to ensure local clubs provide life-enhancing opportunities for kids and teens to explore, develop and apply the essential skills they need to be successful in life and work. As the Lead Sponsor of Youth of the Year, Mondelez International will engage with local clubs year-round to help foster a new generation of leaders prepared to live in and lead a diverse global economy.

Youth of the Year representatives are the workforce leaders, innovators and problem-solvers of tomorrow. For more information about the Youth of the Year program, visit www.youthoftheyear.org. For more information about the Boys and Girls Club of Alpena programs, please visit bgcalpena.org or call 989-356-0214.

About Boys and Girls Clubs of America

For 160 years, Boys and Girls Clubs of America (BGCA.org) has enabled young people most in need to achieve great futures as productive, caring, responsible citizens.

Today, more than 4,700 clubs serve over 4.6 million young people through club membership and community outreach. Clubs are located in cities, towns, public housing and on Native lands throughout the country, and serve military families in BGCA-affiliated Youth Centers on U.S. military installations worldwide. They provide a safe place, caring adult mentors, fun and friendship, and high-impact youth development programs on a daily basis during critical non-school hours.

Club programs promote academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. In a Harris Survey of alumni, 54% said the club saved their lives.

National headquarters are located in Atlanta, Georgia.


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