
Blankets handmade for veterans

Courtesy Photo Barb VanSteenis of Rogers City poses with her patriotic lap quilts she made for veterans.

Courtesy Photo
Barb VanSteenis of Rogers City poses with her patriotic lap quilts she made for veterans.

Barb VanSteenis of Rogers City has created two beautiful lap blankets and graciously donated them for give away to two area veterans. To enter your favorite veteran for a chance to win one of these patriotic blankets, send your nomination on an approximately 4×4 plain white piece of paper with the veteran’s name and phone number to: Veterans Lap Blanket Giveaway, 720 Charles St., Rogers City, MI 49779.

Or enter your hero Aug. 4 before 2 p.m. at the Nautical Festival Car Show held at Westminster Park in downtown Rogers City. All mailed entries must be received by Aug. 3.

Drawing will be held Aug. 4 at 2 p.m. at the Nautical Festival Car Show.


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