
Champions crowned in Thunderstruck tourney

Courtesy Photo The 231 Fusion were the 12U division tournament champions for the 12th Annual Thunderstruck Tournament held in Alpena this weekend. The team went undefeated in its six-team bracket for the weekend with a 5-0 record. In the championship game, the Fusion defeated the Northern Michigan Legends 8-0.
Courtesy Photo The Presque Isle Panthers-Marlett team were the High School division tournament champions. They went undefeated in the 19-team division for the weekend with a 6-0-1 record. In the championship game, they defeated the USA Pride-Benson team 14-6. The tournament drew 35 teams into Alpena including several local teams all competing for a championship title.
Courtesy Photo The 231 Fusion-Tiesworth team were the 14U division tournament champions. The team went undefeated in the 10-team division for the weekend with a 6-0 record. In the championship game, the Fusion defeated the 231 Fusion-Steimel team 12-4.


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