
PREP ROUNDUP for May 20, 2022: Alpena sweeps, Marwede reaches milestone


Final scores from May 19

Alpena 8

Swan Valley 4

Alpena stats: Pitching: Lanie Morgan, winning pitcher; Izzy Edmonds, save; Batting: Avery Dubey, 2 hits; Emilee Modrzejewski, 2 hits, home run; Macy Schram, home run; Izzy Edmonds, 2 hits, home run; Emily Kalisch, 2 hits; Lexie McDonald, 2-run home run.

∫ The win was also Alpena coach Paul Marwede’s 600th career victory.

Alpena 8

Swan Valley 7

Alpena stats: Pitching: Lanie Morgan, winning pitcher; Izzy Edmonds, save; Batting: Emilee Modrzejewski, 2 hits, home run; Macy Schram, 2 hits

Final scores from May 18

Alpena 6

Tawas 3

Alpena stats: Pitching: Izzy Edmonds, winning pitcher; Batting: Emilee Modrzejewski, Macy Schram, Izzy Edmonds and Lexie McDonald, 2 hits; Sydney Hitzelberger, 2 hits, 3-run home run.

Alpena 7

Tawas 2

Alpena stats: Pitching: Lanie Morgan, winning pitcher; Batting: Sydney Hitzelberger, 3-run home run.


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