
Alpena softball sweeps Swan Valley


Final scores from May 18

Inland Lakes 6

Rogers City 3

Rogers City stats: Batting: Evan Fairbanks, 3 hits, double, RBI, run scored; Matt Wilbert, hit, RBI, run scored; Pitching: Nik Tulgestka and Blaise Szatkowski, 6 runs, 6 hits, 4K, 6BB.

Rogers City 6

Inland Lakes 5

Rogers City stats: Batting: Dillon Cook, 2 hits, double, 2 RBI, run scored; Evan Fairbanks, double, run scored; Dylan Lafleche, 2 hits, run scored; Josh Altman, hit, run scored, RBI; Pitching: Jaymison Fleming and Matt Wilbert, 5 runs, 10 hits, 4K, 2BB.


Final scors from May 19

Alpena 8

Swan Valley 4

Alpena 8

Swan Valley 7

Stats unavailable at press time

Final scors from May 18

Alpena 6

Tawas 3

Alpena 7

Tawas 2

Stats unavailable at press time


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