
PREP ROUNDUP: Oscoda wraps up Big Dipper division

OSCODA — The Oscoda girls basketball team celebrated its second consecutive North Star League Big-Dipper division championship as the Owls continued to roll and enjoyed a 64-27 blowout victory over Whittemore-Prescott on Thursday.

Izzy Hulverson poured in 30 points for Oscoda to lead the way. Lauren Langley finished with 18 points and Macy Kellstrom added 12 points.

The Owls improve to 15-3 on the year and will travel to Hillman on Monday.

The Oscoda JV team defeated the Cardinals 52-9.

Mia Whipkey scored 21 points and Delaney Ellis finished with 12 points as the Owls improve to 15-1 on the season.

Alcona 53,

Rogers City 30

LINCOLN — The Alcona girls basketball team got off to a fast start and earned a convincing 53-30 win over Rogers City on Thursday.

The Tigers opened up a 13-4 lead after one quarter and continued to build on the lead throughout the remainder of the contest.

“We got off to a good start and also played a very good third quarter,” Alcona coach Mark Feldhiser said. “It was a good win with balanced scoring and good defense.”

Kelsey Hansen and Anna Loyer led the Tigers with 13 points apiece and Rachel Layton had 10.

Alcona will host Au Gres on Monday.

The Alcona JV team was also victorious, defeating Rogers City 43-20.

Avery Wrobel paced the Tigers with 16 points and Hannah Tanner finished with 13 points.

Mancelona 40,

Onaway 38

ONAWAY — The Onaway girls basketball team suffered a tough defeat on its home floor Thursday as the Cardinals lost to Mancelona by a final of 40-38.

Jillian Chaskey had the hot hand early as she hit five threes in the first half as the Cardinals got off to a strong start, but struggled down the stretch.

“We looked good at times, but didn’t play well down the stretch,” Onaway coach John George said. “We seemed to have really struggled since our senior (Jordan Larson) has been out for whatever reason. We struggled hitting shots tonight.”

Onaway is 8-7 overall on the year and will travel to Bellaire on Tuesday.


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