
Letters to the Editor

These days, it seems kindness is all but gone

I love Alpena. We moved here over eight years ago and made it our home. We take pride in where we live. Most of the time. I don’t know when respect for others, kindness, and politeness went out of fashion to make way for the behavior and language I’ve seen on Facebook posts about ...

We need peace on Earth and goodwill to men

This is the time of year when many celebrate the birth of Christos, but what have we learned from the promise of peace on Earth, goodwill to men? Not much. Our country is beset by stifling negativity, violence, and incivility. Leaders are caught up in vicious attacks on one another in ...

On celebrating this season of hope

There was a time when individuals took pride in their personal property, whether by flower plantings, home repairs, or just a name sign. Highway U.S. 23, has some great family name signs that make you chuckle as you drive by (thank you), others have displayed flags flying the “F” bomb, ...

Maintaining separation of church and state

Dear Sirs/Madams: The separation of church and state Religion is all about beliefs and beliefs are based on current as interpreted human assumptions. We have the Bible. We have the Lutheran Catechism and its ten commandments. But, in legislating abortion we now support the new ...

Safety, security measures have been implemented

This letter is to inform the Community of Hillman about some safety and security measures that have been implemented. The safety and security of our staff, students, and stakeholders is top priority for our school and with these new improvements, we believe that we are on our way to achieving ...

Grateful for buck pole tradition in Alpena

So grateful for Dr. Dave Dargis and his hardworking crew of volunteers for once again making it happen. I am speaking of course of their efforts in hosting, facilitating, and maintaining a longstanding Alpena/northern Michigan tradition, the Alpena Buck Pole. It was a resounding success! Well ...