
‘Discover Northeast Michigan History’

The Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan has opened its newest exhibit, “Discover Northeast Michigan History.”

News Lifestyles Editor Darby Hinkley reported recently that the $1.8 million project had opened after more than two years of planning and fundraising.

The 3,000-square-foot exhibit features a journey through time, covering the ice age through present day. It has areas dedicated to lakes, logging, limestone, farming, and more.

Through interactive displays, artifacts, and multimedia presentations, the exhibit showcases the rich history of Northeast Michigan, including the region’s Native American history, the fur trading era, the early industries, and more.

We urge every Northeast Michigander to check out the exhibit, because the old adage is true: You better understand where you’re going when you know from where you’ve come.

Northeast Michigan’s past is full of entrepreneurial spirit and grit, ingenuity and passion. Our ancestors built this community out of nothing but woods and swamp and ice, and we see that same spirit in our communities today.

Seeing our past helps us appreciate our present.

So check out the new exhibit, Northeast Michigan, to better understand where we’ve come from and get inspired to continue pushing this community forward.


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