
Preventing holiday seasonal shopping stress

Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, it’s time to start Christmas shopping.

So, unless you’re like my grandma, who started shopping for Christmas on Dec. 26 last year, it’s time to kick the shopping season into full gear and prep for the holidays.

They always seem to sneak up on us, so let’s not waste any time hitting the stores or shopping online to find gifts for all your family and friends.

Get started today, in fact, by participating in Small Business Saturday.

Here in Alpena, we have plenty of small businesses to support this holiday season.

Small Business Saturday reminds us of the exceptional shopping opportunities right in our community. Often, local stores are one-of-a-kind places with one-of-a-kind gifts that mean more than favored big brands or other ordinary items.

By participating in events like Small Business Saturday, you’re helping the community thrive by keeping businesses running and workers employed. It also means you’re supporting the local economy, the local tax base, local schools, local infrastructure, and more.

Small business owners and their employees take pride in their work, and supporting them plays an even bigger role in their lives than you may ever know.

We must remember to be kind to retail and other customer service workers who are doing their best this holiday season. They keep the stores clean and the shelves stocked. They also help businesses stay open and booming so customers can continue shopping.

Having worked in customer service positions before, I’ve noticed that a lot of success can come from offering clarity and understanding one another.

Explaining what you’re looking for or listening to why an item is out of stock or whatever it may be bridges a connection. It creates a more productive conversation that hopefully answers questions and solves problems along the way.

With understanding comes patience. Taking the time to hear what someone says can reduce frustration for both parties.

Patience is key. Whether it’s waiting in a checkout line or roaming through a crowded store, acknowledging that most shoppers are feeling the same way you do and that workers probably feel overwhelmed, slowing down and having patience can go a long way.

Adding to that, patience on the road is crucial. As the holidays roll around and everyone is trying to buy what they need for a meal, gift, party, etc., more people are out and about at any given time, and everyone always seems to be in a rush.

Slowing down on the road, and especially in parking lots, is essential for the safety of ourselves and others.

Time management can assist that. Avoiding procrastination in getting what you need gives you more time to make the trip to the store, to wait in line, or to find another option when your first choice is unavailable.

When we plan ahead, there’s less need to rush around and risk safety and sanity.

A lot of it comes back to a basic principle we should all abide by: Treat others how you want to be treated.

It can be easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everything, but it’s important to slow down and respect others around us — workers and customers alike.

Don’t forget to enjoy this time, as well. Shopping and gift-giving are meant to be cheerful, especially this time of year. Taking the chance to slow down and observe your surroundings may even put you further into the joyous spirit.

Start making those to-do lists now and give yourself more time to not only get things done but to truly appreciate the holiday season.

Happy shopping, and remember: Kindness can go a long way.

Torianna Marasco can be reached at 989-358-5686 or tmarasco@thealpenanews.com.


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