
Grateful for you, now time to work

As we enter this Thanksgiving week, both collectively and individually we have so much to be thankful for.

If we truly paused to think about it, we could go on and on about the many blessings we have.

Today, I wanted to take a quick moment and thank you — the incredible people of the 1st Congressional District.

The past years have not been easy on so many, and yet we remain the most resilient men and women in America.

With another political season behind us, the one thing I know we all can agree on is that we are all grateful to once again have the opportunity to watch the game or evening news without the bombardment of political ads.

While I have spent much time following the election reaching out to many of you, I wanted to take a moment and offer my sincere gratitude and thankfulness to each of you for once again putting your confidence in me to represent you in Congress.

I’m truly humbled.

Since day one, our grassroots campaign has always been about YOU, so I hope you join me in celebrating this shared victory for our Michigan values.

No political movement can be sustained on its own without grassroots momentum, and the Upper Peninsula and northern Michigan have certainly been the driving force of our landslide victory. Earning 80,000 more votes this year than I did the first year I ran was proof of how hard you worked to get out the vote, and I thank you for that.

With a clean sweep of the White House, U.S. Senate, and the U.S. House, we have a mandate for change and a chance to lead our country to a place of peace and prosperity once again. Our team victory only energizes me further to continue working with my colleagues to return sanity to Washington, deliver on our promises, and further build on our momentum.

The dark days of the past four years were perhaps necessary so we can appreciate this moment in our history.

No longer will we allow weak-kneed leaders to bow to our adversaries, unleash hell through the border crisis, erase our energy independence, or sink our economy. President-elect Donald Trump will put America first again, and I will work with him to put our beautiful Great Lakes State first, as well.

The American People sent a clear message to Washington. They voted for a return of American exceptionalism, and that’s exactly what I will fight for. Our laws will be enforced to keep communities safe, our border will be secure, heavy-handed government influence will be scaled back, and our families will thrive again.

Looking to the future, Republicans must continue developing long-term strategies and solutions to move our agenda forward as partners with President Trump and anyone willing to fight for the soul of our great nation.

I’m as energized as I’ve ever been to fight those fights, and I plan on continuing our work not just in this cycle but throughout the 2026 cycle and beyond.

Thank you again for your support, prayers, and work.

I couldn’t do this without you.

Now, let’s get to work!

U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman, R-Watersmeet, represents Michigan’s 1st Congressional District covering the Upper Peninsula and northern Lower Peninsula.


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