
‘Sextortion’ sentence hopefully will help start healing process

Thursday two saw two Nigerian brothers sentenced to 17.5 years in U.S. federal prison for their roles in the sexual exploitation and death of 17-year-old Jordan DeMay of Marquette in 2022.

“Though I would have preferred the maximum sentence, I’m really proud of the fact that we’re even here today and brought these people to justice,” said Marquette County Sheriff Greg Zyburt. “Years ago, when we got a complaint of scams and that type of thing, once it’s overseas, it’s pretty much dead.”

The tragic circumstances surrounding the case brought national attention to the Marquette area after DeMay took his own life after falling victim to the online scheme. Over the past two years, the story has stayed in the news, both locally and nationally, which has continually ripped the band-aid off of a community still in mourning.

DeMay’s family, under unbearable circumstances, have been nothing less than heroic throughout the entire process, speaking out publicly on a sensitive topic in hopes that a similar situation will never happen to anyone ever again.

Some of the families work resulted in three pieces of proposed legislation named in honor of Jordan which aim to work together to address the ever-growing issues facing internet users, particularly teens.

Thursday’s court proceedings are the end to a chapter of the story and while nobody will ever forget Jordan, we hope that justice beings served to the individuals responsible for this heinous act will allow the DeMay family, along with the Marquette area community, a chance to put the circumstances of this tragedy behind them and allow Jordan to be remembered for what he truly was: a friend, a son, brother, grandson, classmate and teammate.

We would like to applaud everyone who knew Jordan for their bravery and also the law enforcement officials who brought the perpetrators of this act to justice.


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